
Finals Advice from Alpha Xi Delta

Friday, December 12, 2014

With the first half of finals over, our sisters wanted to share some of our advice for your studying this weekend! Good luck on finals and Happy Holidays!

Make sure to pace yourself and your studying, it is lots of go over so take it in chunks and find time to take breaks for yourself too, some of my best memories with friends have been during finals week because we are all working so hard together. 
– Nikki, Senior

Get your sleep. your brain wont be much use unless it is rested. Plus giving yourself adequate sleep time can help with your stress levels.
- Kacey, Junior

I make cookies on my last day of "freedom" so that I have something sweet to grab when I need a pick-me up. Plus I like baking and it relieves some stress beforehand. :) 
– Elizabeth, Junior

As cliche [and possibly unlikely] as it is, START EARLY! I am notorious for waiting until the night before & stressing myself out - don't do that!. 
– Megan, Senior

Don't forget to sleep! As much as you want to stay up all night to review your calculus notes, it is so much better to sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to continue studying. 
– Amber, Sophomore

Turn off social media and use paper instead of a computer whenever possible.
 –Jacque, Junior

Make sure to take time for yourself. Work out, relax, etc. 
– Sara, Sophomore

Relax. Don't get worked up about it. Finals are a big deal, but in the scheme of things, they're just mere tests! Do the best you can, put some hard work into studying, but don't be too hard on yourself! It will all turn out great :) 
– Kathryn, Sophomore

When you are about to take a final have confidence in yourself that you studied as hard as you could and that you are going to rock it! 
-Jen, Sophomore

Get out of your room/house/apartment and study somewhere else! I have realized there are too many distractions at my apartment and if I am in my room my bed just calls my name! 
– Sarah, Junior

Have a clean area at your desk. Or one of the things I really love to do, even when it's not finals season is to always make my bed! Studying at my desk or coming home from the library it's visually pleasing and makes it seem you still have one part of your life in order! It's always great feeling to crawl into a made bed at the end of the day!! 
– Kelly, Junior

Use a planner & manage your time well to budget your time and to make sure you're giving plenty of study time to each class as needed! Plan your studying schedule out well in advance.
- Kelsey, Junior

Introducing our 2015 Executive Board

Sunday, December 7, 2014

On Monday November 17th, we slated our new executive board! We are so excited for what they will bring to our chapter and wanted to share a little about them with you all!

Sam McWhorter, President 
Year: Junior
Major: Psychology (Pre-Med)
Hometown: Akron
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Alpha Xi memory: Winning Chapter of the Year at Greek Week! 
What are you most excited for with your new position? I am so excited to work with a variety of positions and see how each and every woman grows!

Emily Frooman, Chapter Life Vice President

Year: Junior
Major: Special Education
Hometown: Cincinnati
Favorite Food: Noodles and Co. <3
Favorite Alpha Xi memory: Getting my littles and grand little
What are you most excited for with your new position? Putting my ideas into action and working with the other lovely ladies on exec :)

Kathryn Moore, Public Relations Vice President

Year: Sophomore
Major: Special Education
Hometown: Dublin, OH
Favorite Food: chicken nuggets (gluten and dairy free, of course)
Favorite Alpha Xi memory: My favorite Alpha Xi memory is running to the house on Bid Day! I was so excited and couldn’t wait for what was in store for me and the rest of my pledge class. 
What are you  most excited for with your new position? In my new position as Public Relations VP I am most excited to be able to help improve and spread the image of our amazing sisterhood. I want everyone to know why Alpha Xi Delta means so much to me and so many other women!

Amber Leyrer, Financial Vice President

Year: Sophomore
Major: Computer Science and Engineering
Hometown: East Lansing, MI
Favorite Food: Anything covered in chocolate.
Favorite Alpha Xi memory: Killing it in the photo booths at Spring Formal last semester. (Shoutout to my twin Haylie Beck and Josie Kammer!)
What are you most excited for with your new position? I'm really excited to work with such a wonderful team of women this term and to help prepare Psi chapter to celebrate 100 years at Ohio State University in 2016!

Elyse Dakin, Recording Secretary 
Year: Sophomore
Major: Dance major, Pre Physical Therapy
Hometown: Upper Arlington
Favorite Food: Candy
Favorite Alpha Xi Memory: Getting my big. She has always been so kind, fun and inspiring, and now she is our president!
What are you most excited for with your new position? I am most excited about making a difference in the chapter as a cohesive executive board. We all have so much to offer and I can't wait to see what great things come out of the year!

Lindsey Kinnaman, Membership Vice President

Year: Sophomore
Major: Special Education
Hometown: West Chester, OH
Favorite Food: Chocolate covered fruit! Or anything with artichoke
Favorite Alpha Xi Memory: Getting my Big and Little
What are you most excited about for your new position? I’m most excited to continue what I’ve started this year, to get amazing new members, and to work with the rest of the new VP’s

Kelly Becker, Programs Vice President
Year: junior
Major: Human Development and Family Science 
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Favorite Food: PIZZA IS LIFE
Favorite Alpha Xi memory: Taking my two wonderful littles! 
What are you  most excited for with your new position? I'm so excited to bring new ideas to our chapter and continue to make our sisterhood even closer!

Kelly Lutmer, Panhellenic Delegate
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology 
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Favorite Food: Grilled cheese 
Favorite Alpha Xi Memory: Dancing on high street until 3am for Grillin' with the Xi's! 
What are you  most excited for with your new position? I am looking forward to working with other PHA chapters to strengthen the PHA community and Alpha Xi's involvement in it. 

We are so proud of you ladies and can’t wait to see what you all accomplish during your time on exec! :)