
Finals Advice from Alpha Xi Delta

Friday, December 12, 2014

With the first half of finals over, our sisters wanted to share some of our advice for your studying this weekend! Good luck on finals and Happy Holidays!

Make sure to pace yourself and your studying, it is lots of go over so take it in chunks and find time to take breaks for yourself too, some of my best memories with friends have been during finals week because we are all working so hard together. 
– Nikki, Senior

Get your sleep. your brain wont be much use unless it is rested. Plus giving yourself adequate sleep time can help with your stress levels.
- Kacey, Junior

I make cookies on my last day of "freedom" so that I have something sweet to grab when I need a pick-me up. Plus I like baking and it relieves some stress beforehand. :) 
– Elizabeth, Junior

As cliche [and possibly unlikely] as it is, START EARLY! I am notorious for waiting until the night before & stressing myself out - don't do that!. 
– Megan, Senior

Don't forget to sleep! As much as you want to stay up all night to review your calculus notes, it is so much better to sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to continue studying. 
– Amber, Sophomore

Turn off social media and use paper instead of a computer whenever possible.
 –Jacque, Junior

Make sure to take time for yourself. Work out, relax, etc. 
– Sara, Sophomore

Relax. Don't get worked up about it. Finals are a big deal, but in the scheme of things, they're just mere tests! Do the best you can, put some hard work into studying, but don't be too hard on yourself! It will all turn out great :) 
– Kathryn, Sophomore

When you are about to take a final have confidence in yourself that you studied as hard as you could and that you are going to rock it! 
-Jen, Sophomore

Get out of your room/house/apartment and study somewhere else! I have realized there are too many distractions at my apartment and if I am in my room my bed just calls my name! 
– Sarah, Junior

Have a clean area at your desk. Or one of the things I really love to do, even when it's not finals season is to always make my bed! Studying at my desk or coming home from the library it's visually pleasing and makes it seem you still have one part of your life in order! It's always great feeling to crawl into a made bed at the end of the day!! 
– Kelly, Junior

Use a planner & manage your time well to budget your time and to make sure you're giving plenty of study time to each class as needed! Plan your studying schedule out well in advance.
- Kelsey, Junior

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