
Going Greek

Thursday, January 22, 2015

It's that time of the year again, Formal recruitment. This is a time that allows us to reminisce about memories during recruitment, finding our home, and getting to meet our fellow sisters. Here are just a few reasons why some of our sisters decided to go Greek and what joining Alpha Xi Delta has given them.

I was in an all women's choir in high school and we had grown really close. Coming to school out of state, I wanted to find that family feeling again and make Ohio State my home away from home.
- Rachel, Senior

To find the people I could connect to on a deeper level. I needed a home away from home and sisters to count on when life pushed me down. My sister pick me up and help me move forward.
- Amber, Sophomore

To join a community that is smaller than the OSU student body. My favorite part is that I found some of my best friends that share my same values and we now have a special bond."
- Jacque, Junior

To get more involved and make a big campus smaller
- Colleen, Sophomore

I decided to go to a big school and wanted to meet people with similar interests and build relationships that could last a lifetime.
- Hannah, Junior

To find my place on campus where I could meet lifelong friends and be part of something bigger than myself. Alpha Xi Delta has taught me to realize my potential and given me sisters I know I can trust.
- Sara, Sophomore

We are all so excited to meet all of the amazing ladies who will join our chapter and continue the legacy of Alpha Xi Delta with courage, graciousness, and peace.


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